Our Services

Cloud-Native Geospatial Solutions

Harness the power of modern cloud-native geospatial technologies to ensure your data processing and storage solutions are efficient, scalable, and reliable. We specialize in STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog) for creating and sharing standardized geospatial asset catalogs, seamless cloud storage integration with AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage, and efficient pmtile rendering with Protomaps. Additionally, we deploy and manage geospatial applications using Docker for consistency across environments.

Geospatial Database Management and Hosting

A robust geospatial database is the backbone of any successful project. Our services include setting up, optimizing, and managing PostgreSQL databases with PostGIS extensions for powerful spatial queries and analysis. We also have expertise in managing geospatial databases on SQL Server and utilizing ESRI products like ArcGIS Enterprise for comprehensive GIS solutions. Our cloud hosting solutions on popular providers such as DigitalOcean and AWS offer flexibility and reliability, with custom setups based on client needs. Additionally, we fine-tune database performance for complex geospatial queries, ensuring fast and efficient data retrieval and storage.

Custom Geospatial APIs

Deliver superior geospatial data services with our custom API solutions. We excel in developing bespoke geospatial APIs using Node.js, tailored to serve vector tiles or GeoJSON with authentication, ensuring seamless integration and high performance. Additionally, we configure and manage GeoServer, pg_tileserv, and other open-source geospatial APIs, ensuring robust, scalable, and flexible geospatial data services.

Geospatial Analysis and Insights

Unlock valuable insights from your geospatial data with our comprehensive analysis services. We utilize tools like GDAL, GeoPandas, and Rasterio for vector and raster data processing and analysis. Our advanced spatial analysis capabilities include using PostGIS and various Python libraries to conduct sophisticated spatial analyses, from simple queries to complex spatial statistics. Additionally, we create clear, compelling visualizations to communicate insights effectively, supporting decision-making processes. Our tailored geospatial analysis workflows meet unique project needs, leveraging the latest software and methodologies.

Interactive Mapping Applications

Create engaging, interactive maps that tell a story and support decision-making with our expertise in various mapping software. We leverage modern web frameworks like Vue.js and React together with a vast array of open-source mapping libraries and tools, such as Leaflet, OpenLayers, and MapLibre, to build dynamic, feature-rich interactive maps. Additionally, we utilize proprietary software like ArcGIS and Mapbox for advanced mapping applications, providing powerful features and integrations. Our focus is on creating intuitive, user-friendly mapping interfaces that enhance user experience and accessibility.

No Code Geospatial Solutions

Rapidly develop custom geospatial solutions without extensive coding using our No Code tools. We utilize platforms like ArcGIS Online for quick and efficient map creation, spatial analysis, and data sharing. Additionally, we implement Carto for powerful location intelligence and visualization capabilities, enabling data-driven decision-making. Leveraging Mapbox Studio, we design and publish custom maps with ease, offering advanced styling and interactive features. Furthermore, we use Felt for collaborative map creation and spatial data sharing, enhancing teamwork and project efficiency. Our tailored No Code solutions meet specific project needs, ensuring fast deployment and flexibility.


At our consulting group, we use the power of geospatial technology to empower smarter decisions. With a focus on geospatial data management, analysis, and development, we specialize in building interactive map tools that drive success for businesses, organizations, and government entities.


Ralph Zagha is the founder and CEO of Ziggy Spatial, a geospatial consulting group specializing in data management, analysis, and interactive map development. Ralph has over 8 years of experience in the geospatial industry, developing a diverse range of expertise across several industries. Ralph's passion for using mapping and data analysis to solve complex problems has driven his success in the field. He has worked with government agencies, environmental organizations, and other clients in the real estate industry, among others, providing valuable insights and solutions through his geospatial work. With a concentration in GIS and a BA in Environmental Planning from Binghamton University, Ralph has the educational foundation to support his practical experience. He has used his skills to help organizations in the cannabis industry with precise location data for site selection and compliance. Ralph's commitment to innovation and his ability to leverage the latest geospatial technologies have made him a leader in the industry. He is dedicated to providing clients with the highest quality geospatial solutions that drive business, organizational, and governmental decisions.

Cannabis Property Tool

Goal - Help cannabis business owners, lawyers, and consultants locate the ideal property for a cannabis facility.
Challenges - Cannabis facility locational laws often have very strict requirements that vary greatly for each town, making them difficult to analyze when searching for suitable properties.
• Obtained high-quality datasets including NJ parcels, schools, parks, childcare centers, libraries, existing dispensaries, and census data for income and population.
• Incorporated cannabis locational laws into geospatial analysis on the collected datasets using PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
• Developed the web application using Django for robust backend management.
• Implemented pg_tileserv, a GoLang-based API, to serve vector tiles for enhanced performance and scalability.
• Created an interactive map with MapLibre GL JS that ties together all collected data and completed analysis.
Results - A multi-user interactive mapping application that helps clients identify properties or areas suitable for a cannabis facility.

Real Estate Canvassing Application

Goal - Enable real estate agent teams to efficiently look up properties, run analysis, save notes, and share information with team members.
Challenges - Real estate agents need a streamlined, user-friendly application that allows them to analyze property data, collaborate with team members, and make informed decisions quickly.
• Developed a comprehensive canvassing application using PostgreSQL/PostGIS for robust data management and analysis.
• Implemented a custom geospatial API using Node.js to serve vector tiles and GeoJSON with authentication.
• Built an intuitive user interface with Vue.js and MapLibre GL JS, leveraging open-source mapping libraries for dynamic, interactive maps.
• Integrated collaboration features allowing agents to save notes, run analyses, and share findings seamlessly.
Results - A user-friendly, collaborative mapping application that enhances real estate agents' ability to analyze properties and share insights with their team.

Brooklyn, USA


732 272 4509

Drop us a line to discuss your next mapping project